Fathers Day
Sunday School Lesson

Father's Day Card - Youth

Need a Sunday School lesson for Fathers Day? Find a Father's Day Sunday School lesson for Youth. Make a Father's Day Card!

Help the teens in your Youth Group learn to better appreciate their parents!

Based on the Bible story of The Boy, Jesus, in the Temple, this free Sunday School lesson for Youth will help teenagers realize that parents often respond with patience and love, even under the most difficult circumstances!

Father's Day - Sunday, June 15th, 2025.

Many thanks to Heidi Vazquez for translating this lesson into Spanish for our visitors! God bless you, Heidi!

See a quote from Heidi on our Mother's Day page.

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Synopsis of Fathers Day Lesson for Youth

Luke 2:41-52 – The Boy Jesus in the Temple

In this Fathers Day lesson the teens in your group will discuss what it must have felt like when Mary and Joseph couldn't find Jesus after a trip to Jerusalem for Passover. And how they searched for Him for 3 days before finding Him safe and sound in the Temple talking to the elders.

Teens will talk about how they may have done things in the past to make their parents "crazy" and think about how their parents reacted. (Parents often react with love and patience even in the most trying circumstances!)

Discuss how Jesus showed He knew who He was, and who His Father was, even at the early age of 12 years. Learn how the teachers and priests were amazed at His understanding of the scriptures.

Even though Jesus showed He could successfully separate from His earthly parents, He chose to return home with them to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. The next we hear of Jesus in the Gospels, He is ready to begin His ministry (at about age 30 years.)

At the end of the lesson, the youth will make a Fathers Day Card for their dads, thanking them for acting in love and patience even when they may do things that make them "crazy"!

This unique Bible study lesson for Youth can be used for either Fathers Day or Mothers Day. It helps teens appreciate the efforts of their parents equally. Cards may be written to either Father or Mother. You will find the Directions for Mother's Day Card here!

The Skit Guys...

The Guys at SkitGuys.com have wonderful videos for Father's Day. I always recommend these guys, especially if you need a skit and can't find what you're looking for here at Sunday School Center.  

I thought I'd include this link to one of their Father's Day videos, where they try to answer the question "What's it like being a Dad?" My favorite part is when he is dancing with his wife in the kitchen... classic.

Dedicated to all dads everywhere! ENJOY!

Fatherhood | Videos | The Skit Guys

On a Personal Note...

For years I felt stymied about how to deal with my teenage children at home. Then one day in prayer I asked God to give me a Bible verse to "hang on to" regarding parenting during this difficult period of time.

1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (the verses featured on our Father's Day card) seemed to answer that prayer. For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.

There it was! Exactly what I was supposed to be doing for my children: Encouraging, Comforting, and Urging them to live lives worthy of God, who calls them into His kingdom and glory.

It seemed like such a straightforward answer! I immediately wrote the verses down on a long strip of paper and taped it to the refrigerator, where it stayed until the paper yellowed with age and the tape fell absolutely off. Then I punched holes in it and stuck it in a binder. (I still have it!)

Through these verses, God reminds me of what I need to be doing when I interact with my children. I need to be encouraging them, comforting them, and urging them to live lives worthy of God, who calls them into His kingdom and glory.

If what I'm doing doesn't fall within one of those three categories... then I probably need to ask myself if it's something I really need to be doing.

It helped me... and I hope it will have the effect of helping all of you other parents out there as well!

With love in Christ,

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